If you’re like most people, your Playstation 4 has been working just fine until recently. Suddenly, it won’t stay on anymore. In fact, it seems to be getting worse - the console will turn on, but the screen will just stay black for a few seconds before turning back to a white background. This happens even when you try to restart the system. There are a few things that could be causing this problem and fixing them all may not be as easy as you think. Here are four of the most common causes:

  1. Dirty Power Supply: One of the most common reasons your Playstation 4 won’t stay on is because of a dirty power supply. If there’s dirt or dust build up on the electrical components inside the power supply, it can cause problems with how electricity flows through the unit. This can cause everything from black screens to dead consoles. To fix this problem, you’ll need to take your Playstation 4 in for repairs or replace its power supply entirely.
  2. Faulty Motherboard: Another common issue with Playstation 4s is that they have faulty motherboards. These boards control all of the system’s functions and if they’re damaged in any way, it can lead to problems with everything from startup times to graphics performance. To fix this issue, you’ll either need to send your console in for repairs or buy a new one and install the motherboard yourself.
  3. Bad Graphics Cards: If your graphics card isn’t up to par, it can cause problems with how your Playstation 4 runs overall. Older cards may not be able to handle newer games or graphics technologies and as a result, they can cause black screens and other issues on your console. To fix this problem, you’ll either need to buy a new graphics card or upgrade yours if possible (though upgrading may not be possible depending on what kind of graphics card you have).
  4. Defective Hard Drive: Finally, one of the most common issues with ..