Photoshop is a popular photo editing software that can be used to make changes to images. However, Photoshop can also cause damage to your computer if not used correctly. Here are some ways Photoshop can damage your computer:

  1. Overuse of filters - Filters are a powerful tool in Photoshop, but if you use them too often, they can cause your computer to slow down or even crash. Instead of using filters all the time, try using them selectively to achieve the effect you want.
  2. Editing large files - If you’re editing a large file with Photoshop, it may take longer for the software to load and process the image. This can lead to slowdown and even crashes on your computer. Try editing smaller files first so that the software has more time to work on them and avoid potential problems.
  3. Saving files without compression - If you save a file without compression, your computer will have to work harder to read and process the file. This can lead to slower performance and even crashes on your computer. Always save files with compression so that your computer has less work to do when opening them up later on. ..