Gradient tools are one of the most commonly used features in Photoshop. They allow you to create smooth transitions between colors, and can be used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of gradient tools, and how to use them most effectively. The first type of gradient tool is the linear gradient tool. This tool allows you to create a smooth transition between two colors by dragging your cursor along a straight line. To create a linear gradient, start by selecting the lineargradient tool from the toolbar, and then select two colors that you want to use as your starting and ending points. Next, drag your cursor along the desired path between these two colors. The second type of gradient tool is the radial gradient tool. This tool works similar to the linear gradient tool, but instead of creating a smooth transition between two colors, it creates a circular pattern around your cursor. To create a radial gradient, start by selecting the radialgradient tool from the toolbar, and then select two colors that you want to use as your starting and ending points. Next, drag your cursor around the desired circle around these two colors. The third type of gradient tool is called an offset or textured gradient tool. This type of gradients allows you to add texture or detail to your images by selecting different textures from within Photoshop’s texture library. To create an offset or textured gradients, start by selecting the offset or texturedgradienttool fromthe toolbar, and then select one or more textures from within Photoshop’s texture library. Next, drag your cursor over desired area on your image where you want to add this texture/detail ..