When you’re working with Photoshop, it’s important to be aware of the different types of selections that are available to you. There are three main types of selections: direct, indirect, and mask. Direct Selection: This is the most common type of selection and is used when you want to select a specific part of an image. To make a direct selection, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the image. The selection will automatically move to the next pixel in the image. Indirect Selection: This is used when you want to select more than one part of an image. To make an indirect selection, hold down the right mouse button and drag one or more cursors over the image. The cursor will automatically move between selected parts of the image. Mask Selection: A mask selection is used when you want to change how all other selections are treated. To make a mask selection, hold down both mouse buttons and drag one or more masks over the image. The masks will be displayed in a separate window that you can use to select which parts of theimage you want to affect.