If your car has an ignition key, you can rekey it to work again. But be sure to do this in a safe place and with the correct key. Ignition keys are not always easy to find, so it’s important to have the right one for your car. To rekey your car ignition, follow these steps:

  1. Look for the key fob or remote control that came with your car. This will usually have a number on it that you can call to get help if you don’t have the key or if you don’t know how to get it working again.
  2. Open the door of your car and remove the battery cover (if there is one). If your car has a manual transmission, remove both the gear shift and the clutch pedal (if there is one). If your car has an automatic transmission, just remove the gear shift (if there is one).
  3. Look for a small black box on top of your car’s fuse box or underneath where power comes in from the wall (depending on which type of ignition you have). This box usually has two wires coming out of it: one goes into the fuse box and another goes into a small black connector at the back of your car. The wire from this connector goes into a small hole near where your key fob or remote control used to be (usually near where power comes in from), and then into another small hole near where your ignition switch used to be (usually near where ground wire comes in from). The wire coming out of this connector goes into this other hole and then into another black connector at the back of your car - these are called “the old connections.” You should now see two white wires coming out of this new connection - these are “the new connections.”
  4. Put everything back together as best as possible except for maybe replacing some screws on top of each fuse box or replacing some screws on back of cars