There are a few things you’ll need to do in order to raffle off a car. The first is to find a car that you want to raffle off. You can either find a car that’s for sale or you can find one that’s been abandoned or is in bad condition. Once you’ve found the car, it’s time to start the raffle. The first thing you’ll need is some sort of ticket system. You could use paper tickets, digital tickets, or even an app like Ticketmaster. Once you have your ticket system set up, it’s time to start the raffle. The first step is to choose how many tickets you want to sell per person. This will depend on how many people are going to be in attendance at the raffle and how much money you want to make off of it. After you’ve chosen how many tickets per person, it’s time to start selling them! You can either sell them individually or in packs of five or more. It really doesn’t matter which way you go about selling them; just make sure that everyone who wants a ticket has one! After everyone has had a chance to buy a ticket, it’s time for the big reveal! Once everyone has had their chance to see the car and decide if they want it, it’s time for the auction! The auction will start with the lowest price ticket and work its way up until someone buys the car for its full price tag. Make sure that all of your prices are reasonable so that everyone who wants a ticket can afford one! ..