If you’re looking for a game to play with friends on the PlayStation 4, Uno is a great option. This simple card game can be played with up to four players, and it’s easy to learn. To start, each player selects one of the six pieces of the board. The player on the left of the board starts by playing a piece, and then all other players must follow suit. If two or more pieces are on the same square, they are combined into a single unit and that unit is placed at the bottom of the square. Players can also move their pieces by moving one of their pieces up or down one space on the board. When a player moves their piece, they must also place an adjacent piece at its original square location. If two or more pieces are in different squares, they are combined into a single unit and that unit is placed at the bottom of its square. If you lose your turn, you can either draw another card or go back to your starting position. The game ends when either all players have lost all their pieces or when one player has won all their pieces - whichever comes first.