If you’re a music lover, you know that USB is the best way to transfer your music to your Galaxy S7. But if you’re not sure how to play music through USB in your car, we’ve got the solution for you! To start, first make sure that your Galaxy S7 is connected to the internet and that your music player is up and running. Then, open the Music app on your phone and click on the “USB” tab. Under “Type of Device,” select “USB Drive.” Now click on the “Browse” button and find a USB drive that has your music files inside it. Once you’ve found a USB drive with your music files inside it, click on it and select “Open.” Now open the file manager on your Galaxy S7 and browse through all of the folders that are associated with your music collection. Once you’ve found all of the folders that are associated with your music collection, select one of them and drag all of the files from that folder into the “USB Drive” tab in the Music app on your phone. Once everything has been dragged into the “USB Drive” tab in Music app on your phone, click on “Create.” Now type in a name for this new USB drive and click on “Create.” Now type in a password for this new USB drive and click on “Create.” Finally, type in a location for this new USB drive (in our case, “/media/samsung/music/”) and click on “Create.” Now you can play all of your favorite songs from within The Music app on your Galaxy S7!