If you’re like most people, you probably outline your articles in Microsoft Word before you start writing. But what if you want to outline something in Photoshop? Here’s how to do it. First, open up Photoshop and create a new document. You can use any size or shape you want, but make sure the document is at least 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. Next, click on the “New Document” button on the toolbar and select “Outline.” Photoshop will automatically create a black border around the outside of your document. This is where your outline will be. Now, start outlining your article by drawing a line down the center of your document. Then, draw lines outwards from the center line until you reach the edges of your document. You can use any type of pen or pencil to draw your outline, but be sure to erase it once you’re finished so that no marks are left behind on your final image. Once you’ve finished outlining your article, it’s time to start writing! Just fill in the text along the lines that you’ve drawn and then go back over any areas that need further clarification or editing. When you’re done writing, just save your file and voila! You have an outline for your article ready to go! ..