When you’re creating an image in Illustrator CS6, it’s important to keep things simple. You don’t want to clutter your work space with too many layers and tools, and you don’t want to create too many complex shapes. To help you get started, here are some tips on how to outline an image in Illustrator CS6:

  1. Start by creating a basic shape using the Rectangle tool. This will be your basic outline for your image.
  2. Next, use the Polygonal tool to create more complex shapes. These can be anything from circles to triangles. Be sure to use the correct tools for the task at hand - for example, the Polygonal tool is great for creating more complex shapes that require a lot of precision and control.
  3. Finally, use the Path tool to create a basic path around your image. This will help you create straight lines and curves without having to worry about any of the details of each shape.