Sparkles are one of the most popular effects in Photoshop. They can add a touch of magic to any photo, and they’re easy to create with a few simple steps. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create sparkles in Photoshop using various techniques. To start, open your photo in Photoshop and select the areas you want to sparkle. You can use the Magic Wand tool to select specific areas or use the Quick Selection tool to quickly select multiple areas. Once you’ve selected your areas, click on the Add Noise button (or press Command+U) and choose a low noise option like 50% or 25%. This will help create the illusion of sparkles. Next, use the Blur tool (or press Command+Blur) to soften the edges of your sparkles. You can also use filters like Gaussian Blur or Radial Blur for more control over the look of your sparks. Finally, add a little bit of brightness and contrast to finish off your effect. ..