There are a few things you need to do in order to create a website banner in Photoshop. First, you will need to create a basic banner. Next, you will need to add some text to the banner. Finally, you will need to add some graphics to the banner. To create a basic banner, first open Photoshop and click on the File menu and select New File. Then, select Banner from the resulting menu and enter a name for your new file. For example, if you want your new banner to be called “Hello World!”, then enter “HelloWorld” into the New File name field and click on OK. Next, you will need to add some text to your new banner. To do this, open up your document and type something like “Hello World!” into the Text field of the New File dialog box. Then, click on OK in the Text field of the New File dialog box and close Photoshop. Next, you will need to add some graphics to your new banner. To do this, open up your document and type something like “Hello World!” into the Graphics field of the New File dialog box. Then, click on OK in the Graphics field of the New File dialog box and close Photoshop. Finally, you will need to add some images to your new banner. To do this, open up your document and type something like “Hello World!” into the Images field of the New File dialog box. Then, click on OK in the Images field of the NewFile dialog box and close Photoshop.