If you’re looking to add some visual interest to your photos, collage-making may be the perfect way to go. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a photo collage in Photoshop using basic tools and techniques. First, select a group of photos that you want to use for your collage. You can use any photos that you like, but it’s helpful if they all have a similar theme or style. Once you have your photos selected, open up Photoshop and start creating your collage. To begin, first select all of the photos in the group and click on the “Select All” button (or press Ctrl+A). Next, click on the “Copy” button (or press Ctrl+C) and then paste the photos into a new document. Now it’s time to start arranging the photos on your canvas. To do this, first select one of the photo frames that you copied from your original photo group and drag it over onto your new document. Then position the other photo frames around it so that they look nice and balanced. Once everything is arranged how you want it, simply click on each of the individual photo frames and choose “Paste Into Selection” from Photoshop’s menu bar (or press Ctrl+V). This will automatically copy each frame into place within your selected photo frame! Finally, add some text or graphics to finish off your collage. To do this, simply select one or more of the text boxes located below each photo frame and type in whatever you like. You can also add graphics by clicking on any of Photoshop’s built-in icons located near the bottom of its window (like arrows or stars). ..