There are a few ways to make panoramas in Photoshop CC. The first way is to use the “panorama” command. This command creates a series of images that are stretched out so that they cover the entire canvas. To make a panorama with this command, you need to select all of the images in your image library and then press “panorama.” The second way is to use the “select all” command and then use the “enter” key to select all of the images in your image library. The third way is to use the “select by name” command and then type “panorama” into the text field. The fourth way is to use the “select all by value” command and then type “panorama” into the text field. The fifth way is to use the “filter commands.” These commands let you change how each image appears in your panorama. The sixth way is to use the “undo” and “redo” commands. These commands let you undo or redo what you’ve done with your panoramas so that they’re fresh again.