Fonts are a necessary part of any graphic design project. They can add personality and style to your work, and can also be used to improve readability and accuracy. To install fonts on Illustrator, you first need to create a new file called “fonts.txt.” This file contains the font files for your chosen language. Next, open the “Fonts” panel in the “File” menu and select the “Create Font” button. In the “Name” field, enter a name for your new font. For example, if you’re using Arial Unicode MS Sans Serif, enter “Arial Unicode MS Sans Serif.” In the “Description” field, enter a brief description of your new font. For example, if you’re using Arial Unicode MS Sans Serif, it might say something like “Arial Unicode MS Sans Serif is a versatile all-purpose typeface that is perfect for any document or project.” Click on the “Create Font” button and wait until it’s created. Now that you’ve created a new font file in Illustrator, it’s time to install it! To do this, open up Illustrator and click on the “+” sign next to the font file name in the File panel. Then select “Install Font.” In the ensuing dialogue box, you’ll be asked to choose which language your new font will be installed in (default is English). Click on either of the languages below to continue: French or Spanish (or any other language you may have installed). After choosing one of these languages, click on OK to finish installation. Now that your newfont has been installed in Illustrator, it’s time to use it!