If you’ve ever had to replace a car key, you know that it can be a pain. Not only do you have to find a new key, but you also have to find the right key ring. If your key ring is broken, it can be difficult to insert and remove your keys. Here are some tips on how to fix a broken car key ring. If your key ring is broken, the first thing you should do is try to fix it yourself. You can use duct tape or zip ties to hold the pieces together while you glue them back together. Make sure that the glue doesn’t get on the keys themselves or else they will not work properly when inserted into the lock. If fixing your own key ring isn’t an option, then you may need to buy a new one. There are many different types of car key rings available, so it’s important that you find one that fits your needs. Some people prefer rings with multiple slots so they can easily insert and remove multiple keys; others prefer rings with just one slot so they don’t have to fumble around for their keys every time they need them. ..