There are many ways to create an icon in Photoshop, but the most common way is to use a vector graphic. Vector graphics are created using mathematical formulas and can be scaled up or down without losing quality. To create a vector graphic in Photoshop, first open the file you want to use as your icon. Next, select the Rectangle tool (M) and draw a rectangle on the canvas. Make sure that the rectangle is large enough to cover the entire image, and then press Ctrl+D (PC: Cmd+D) to save it as a vector graphic. Now you need to add some elements to your vector graphic. To do this, select the Ellipse tool (L) and draw an ellipse around the outside of your rectangle. Next, select the Inner Glow effect from the Effects menu and set its properties so that it looks like this: Now you need to add some text to your icon. To do this, open the Text tool (T) and type whatever you want into your ellipse. Finally, select all of your text and press Ctrl+J (PC: Cmd+J) to join it together into one object. You now have an icon! ..