Vector drawing is a powerful tool that can be used to create beautiful designs and illustrations. It’s easy to learn how to use vector drawing, and there are many tutorials and resources available online. To start, you’ll need an Illustrator account and a computer with the latest version of the software. Once you have your account, open Illustrator and click on the File menu. From the File menu, select New File. In the New File dialog, enter vector_drawing into the name field and click on OK. Next, you’ll need to create some basic shapes. To begin, click on the Pencil tool in Illustrator and select a black pencil. Next, drag a line down the center of your canvas. You can use any width or height for this line; just make sure it’s long enough to cover all of your canvas area. Now let’s start creating some basic objects. To begin, drag a circle out from the bottom left corner of your canvas. Use a smaller radius than necessary so that it doesn’t look too tight; just make sure it’s big enough to cover all of your desired object’s surface area. Now drag another circle out from top right corner of your canvas; this time use a larger radius than necessary so that it doesn’t look too wide or small (you’ll see why later). Finally, drag an ellipse out from bottom left corner of your canvas (again using a smaller radius than necessary). Finally, drag an ellipse out from top right corner of your canvas (again using a larger radius than necessary). Now that you’ve created basic shapes for your object(s), it’s time to start drawing features onto these shapes! To do this, simply hold down Alt while clicking on one of those shapes (or pressing Command+A while clicking on one), then release when you’re ready to draw another feature onto that shape! You can also use Ctrl+A while clicking on one