There are a few things you need to do in order to convert a Photoshop file to vector form. First, you’ll need to select the file type and format. Photoshop files are typically in .psd format, which is used for illustrations and graphics. Vector files, on the other hand, are created as a vector graphic format. This means that they can be edited more easily and can be used in many different applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. Next, you’ll need to create a new document in vector form. To do this, click on the New button at the bottom of the screen and enter vectors into the fields below. Once you’ve entered all of your data, click on the OK button to create your new document. Now that your new document is in vector form, it’s time to start editing it! To begin editing your file, use any of the tools available at your disposal such as erasers, pencils, or Brushes. You can also use different colors or shapes to help make your illustrations more interesting. Once you’re happy with your work, click on the Save As button at the top of the screen and name your file accordingly.