Cleaning vegetable oil is a simple task that can be done in just a few minutes. Here are four tips to help you clean your oil:

  1. Pour a pot of water onto the stove and turn it up to medium-high heat. Once the water is boiling, add the vegetable oil and let it simmer for about five minutes.
  2. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes before pouring it into a bowl or container. Use a spoon to skim off any foam that has formed on top of the oil, and discard it.
  3. Pour cold water into the pot until it reaches halfway up the sides of the container, and stir in 1 cup of white vinegar or lemon juice. Swish the mixture around until all of the oil has been dissolved, then pour it out into another container or bowl.
  4. Rinse off any remaining soap residue with cold water, then dry off the surface of your oil with a paper towel or cloth towel. Store your cleaned oil in an airtight container for future use ..