If you’re like most people, you probably think of cleaning sticky hardwood floors as a chore that needs to be done every week or so. But if you’re like me, you might not have realized that there are actually ways to clean sticky hardwood floors without having to go through all the trouble of trying to get the dirt and dust off. Here are three easy ways to clean sticky hardwood floors without having to use any harsh chemicals:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment. This will suck all of the dirt and dust off of the floor, leaving it looking and feeling much better.
  2. Use a mop and bucket combo. This will work best if there is a lot of liquid on the floor, as it will help move the dirt and dust around more easily. Be sure to use caution when using this method, as it can be dangerous if not used correctly.
  3. Use an air freshener sprayer. This will help add some extra fragrance to your flooring and make it look much nicer overall!