Dear is a word that many people use to express their feelings. It can also be used as a term of endearment. There are many ways to clean Dear, but the most important thing is to do it regularly. To keep Dear clean, you will need: -A cloth or paper towel -A bucket or spray bottle -Water -A cleaning agent (such as soap)
- Pour water into the bucket or spray bottle and set it aside.
- Place the cloth or paper towel in the bucket or spray bottle.
- Add enough water to cover the cloth or paper towel completely and stir until everything is wet.
- Use your hands to spread the water around on the cloth or paper towel so that it covers all of Dear’s surface area evenly.
- Let Dear sit for a few minutes so that all of the water has soaked in and then turn off the faucet and let Dear dry completely.
- Enjoy your beautifulDear!