If you’re like most people, you probably take showers in the morning and then go about your day. But if you’re like me, sometimes there’s just no time in the morning or at the end of the day to clean a walk-in shower floor. In that case, I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news is that there are a few easy ways to clean a walk-in shower floor without having to go to the trouble of cleaning it yourself. The bad news is that these methods can be time-consuming and require some extra effort. Here are three easy ways to clean a walk-in shower floor:

  1. Use a plunger: This method is simple enough but can be time-consuming. First, place your hand over the faucet handle and push down on top of the water droplets so they fall into the drain hole on top of the shower. Then use your plunger to push all of the water out from under the droplets and into the sink.
  2. Use an automatic cleaner: This method is more complicated but also more effective than using a plunger or an automatic cleaner. First, place your hand over one end of an automatic cleaner hose and twist it so it turns into a tight knot. Then use your other hand to hold onto one end of the shower curtain and pull it up so all of the water goes into the Automatic Cleaner hose (you may need help).
  3. Use baking soda: Baking soda can be used as an automatic cleaner or plunger agent. first place some baking soda in one corner of each sink Basin (or any other area where water will touch). Then use either your plunger or manual cleaning techniques to clean areas where baking soda was used as an agent (e.g., around faucets, around handles).