If you’re like most people, you probably think of oven cleaning as a chore that needs to be done every week or so. But if you’re like me, you might not even know how to clean an oven! In this article, I’m going to show you how to clean a Breville oven using the simple steps outlined below.

  1. Open the oven door and remove any obstructions from the interior of the oven. This can include anything from pieces of food to grease spots on the walls.
  2. Pour a pot of boiling water onto the stove and set it on medium heat. Add enough soap suds to cover all of the inside surfaces of the oven (this is important because soap will help remove any built-up dirt and grease). Be sure not to overdo it - just add enough so that everything is wet but not sopping wet.
  3. Use a plunger or vacuum cleaner to suction onto any areas that have been covered in soap suds and pull them outwards until all of the dirt and grease has been removed. Be careful not to damage anything - if there are any sharp edges, be sure to wear gloves when cleaning!
  4. Place everything back into its original position and close the door again; your oven should now be clean!