Gradient color is a powerful tool that can be used to create a variety of effects in Illustrator. You can use it to change the color of objects, add a gradient effect to your designs, or even create a custom gradient effect. Here are some tips on how to use gradient color in Illustrator:
- Start by creating a new layer and name it Gradient Color.
- In the Layer Properties panel, set the following properties: • Opacity: 100% • Blur Radius: 0.5px • Blur Type: Gaussian blur (use this setting if you want the gradient to be more gradual)
- Next, add an object to the layer and name it Gradient Color Object. Set its properties as follows: • Start Position: (0, 0) (x-axis y-axis) • End Position: (255, 255)
- To create the gradient effect, click on one of the ends of the Gradient Color Object and drag it towards the center of the layer. TheGradient Color Object will start fading away as you drag it towards the center of the layer.