If you’re ever in a bind and can’t find your keys, or if you just can’t seem to get your car started, there’s one surefire way to solve the problem: blow up the engine. This is especially useful if your car has a keyless start system, as blowing up the engine will disable the system and force you to use your key to start the engine. If this happens to you often enough, it may become second nature. Here’s how:

  1. Open the door of your car and remove all of the screws that hold it closed. This will allow you access to the engine compartment.
  2. Remove all of the fuel lines from your car. You’ll need at least two for this job; one for each cylinder. Be sure to store these somewhere safe so that you don’t lose them when you’re finished!
  3. Pour a pot of gasoline onto a lighter and set it aside. You’ll need about three tablespoons for this job; more if your engine is larger or more powerful than ours. We used about half a tablespoon for our small car. 4) Place one screwdriver handle on top of each fuel line (the handle should be facing away from you). Push down on each line until they pop out from under the gasoline (you may have to do this in several places). 5) Hold onto one screwdriver handle and use another hand to pry open each fuel line until all of the gasoline is spilled out (you may have to do this in several places). 6) Put everything back together again and try starting your car! If everything works correctly, congratulations! You’ve successfully blown up your car engine!