If your car’s AC is not working properly, it’s likely due to a leak in the system. There are a few things you can do to fix the leak and get your car’s AC back up and running:

  1. Check for obvious signs of a leak, such as water or fluid on the ground or inside the car. If there is evidence of a leak, start by cleaning it up with a bucket and some soap.
  2. If there is no visible sign of a leak, try to determine where the leakage is coming from by checking all of the hoses and connectors that lead into and out of the AC unit. If you can’t find the source of the problem, you may need to replace parts of the AC unit.
  3. If you have determined that there is a leak, take steps to fix it using one or more of these tips:
  • Replace any cracked or broken hoses or connectors.
  • Tighten any loose screws or bolts on the AC unit.
  • Clean any debris that has built up on the outside of the unit over time. This can block air flow and cause your car’s AC to not work properly. ..