Pokémon is one of the most popular video games of all time, and with good reason. The game is easy to learn but hard to master, and with enough patience and dedication, anyone can be a successful Pokémon Trainer. However, some players find the game too easy or too forgiving, leading to frustration and a lack of motivation. To make things even harder for those who are struggling, there are also fan games that take the cake for difficulty. Here are 15 of the hardest Pokémon ROM hacks & fan games to up the difficulty level:

  1. Alakazam - This hack makes Alakazam one of the most difficult Pokémon in the game. It requires a lot of practice and strategy to beat it, and even then it can be tough.
  2. Gyarados - This hack makes Gyarados one of the most difficult Pokémon in the game as well. It requires a lot of practice and strategy to beat it, and even then it can be tough. 3) Machamp - This hack makes Machamp one of the most difficult Pokémon in the game as well. It requires a lot of practice and strategy to beat it, and even then it can be tough. 4) Dragonite - This hack makes Dragonite one of the most difficult Pokémon in the game as well. It requires a lot of practice and strategy to beat it, and even then it can be tough. 5) Blastoise - This hack makes Blastoise one of the most difficult Pokémon in the game as well as making it very challenging to get past its first form without help from an emulator or cheat codes. 6) Snorlax - Thishack makes Snorlax oneofthemostdifficultPokémoninthegameaswellas makingitverychallengingto getpastitsfirstformwithouthelpfroman emulator or cheat codes7) Espeon - ThishackmakesEspeononeofthemostdifficultPokémonin